救救 我 Save me

救救 我 Save me. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

中国 的 保护人们
Chinese as guardians

这 是 来自 新西兰 的 一 条 信息
A message from New Zealand

非常 感谢 你们 游 揽 我们 的 美丽 富饶 的 国家
Thank you for visiting our beautiful country

我们 被东亚- 澳大利亚 迁徙 通 道 连 接 着
We are connected by the East Asian Australian flyway

在 他们 飞翔 西伯利亚 产 卵 前, 数 百万 的 海鸟 在 黄海 的 潮间带 捕食
Millions of seabirds feed on the tidal estuaries of the Yellow Sea before flying to Siberia to breed

你们 可以 通 过 在 事 情 不 算 太 坏 前 反对 黄海 的 潮 间 带 的 开发 来 保护 这 些 濒危 的 鸟 儿
You can save endangered birds from extinction by opposing development of the Yellow Sea tidal estuaries
不要 摧毁 黄海 潮间 带
Do not destroy the Yellow Sea tidal estuaries

保护 这些 濒危 鸟 类
Save these endangered birds

Godwits in flight.
Bartailed Godwit feeding at Miranda. It needs mudflats like this in China to refuel when heading to Alaska to breed.
Knots feeding on the mudflats at Miranda in preparation for migration along the East Asian Flyway. They rely on mudflats on the Yellow Sea to refuel and complete their migration and breeding cycle

This week’s  special guest post is from Angela who has been studying Mandarin for the past few years. Inspired by recently seeing Chinese visitors enjoying some of New Zealand’s pristine wilderness and wildlife and the knowledge that development in China is destroying large areas of the Yellow Sea tidal estuaries.  These Chinese estuaries are a crucial part of the East Asian Australian flyway that are essential to the successful migration and breeding cycle of many of our wader species. She decided to write a post in Mandarin to communicate a message highlighting the connection between what is seen here and how it is directly connected to developments there.

救救 我 Save me. Bartailed Godwit.

谢谢 李 威 邑 帮助 翻译
Thank you to Li Wei Yi for help with translation. 

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