Escape from Lockdown – Mount Maunganui Wildlife

Photo of a New Zealand Dotterel
New Zealand Dotterel

From a wildlife photography perspective, a walk around Mount Maunganui is a little like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates. You never quite know what you will get. You can almost rely on Pied Shags, Gannets and Gulls and at times get nice opportunities on Variable Oystercatchers, White-fronted Terns, Kingfisher and NZ Fur Seals. Reef Heron is an occasional highlight and a Wandering Tattler has been a one-off delight.

photo of a New Zealand Dotterel foraging for marine worms in kelp debris
New Zealand Dotterel foraging for marine worms in kelp debris

This visit was the first time we have seen New Zealand Dotterels on the main beach. We found them foraging amongst some kelp debris and they were still there the following day.

Photo of a pair of New Zealand Dotterels on the main beach, Mount Maunganui
Pair of New Zealand Dotterels on the main beach, Mount Maunganui

A couple of NZ Fur Seals were at their usual location. One resting on the rocks where they have worn a few smooth patches and one lolling in the surge to cool down.

Photo of a New Zealand Fur Seal resting on the rocks
New Zealand Fur Seal resting on the rocks

The backlighting accentuated the texture of the seal fur and gave an interesting image of a resting Pied Shag.

Photo of a Pied Shag
Pied Shag

Rock Pigeons enjoy the rocky crags around the Mount as it approximates their original habitat. Flocks commute around the Mount and out to Rabbit Island. While having a poor reputation as “flying rats” I have a very soft spot for pigeons having kept a loft as a teenager. It was always a highlight of my day to get home from school and let my birds out to fly, circling in a flock before dropping back down for a feed. The soft warmth of their feet on your hand as they pecked sunflower seeds from your palm was special.

photo of a Rock Pigeon on the rocks around Mount Maunganui
Rock Pigeons enjoy the rocky outcrops around the Mount

Photos with Nikon D850 and Nikon 500mm f5.6VR

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